Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lessons learnt every day

I was taught to drive safe no doubt by my instructor Terry but i find that i face so many situations in every day life that i normally dont! For example, theres this department store where i get my groceries and driving there is such a nightmare. In spite of looking both sides before moving forward, i find a car approaching me within a micro second. It was scary so the basic lesson was to be very alert!

I also never really encountered a right turn signal until recently and i dont know if i turned on red but i remembering seeing the words right turn signal. That means that i need to be much more vigilant at signals. Normally i see a no right turn on red sign posted but i didnt see one out here.

My first experience on driving on the highway alone wasnt too bad. I had gone to drop my husband to the airport and was returning back. I realised that i didnt follow the GPS instructions well. I managed to reach the airport exit and for the first time i pulled up near the booth. I was kind of afraid i may bang the car. The entry to the highway was luckily smooth for me at all times when i switched highways. There were a few times that i had to slow down because the people ahead of me and i kept to the right most lane most of the time. Perhaps, on my next drive on the highway i will try keeping to the middle lane.

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