Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Driving at night

I have not had much of experience driving at night so the other day when i decided to go to Walmart at night i was a little scared. I should not have been scared since it was pretty much the same with the streets being well lit.

However, one problem i faced was whenever i turned the indicator i managed to switch off the lights and so i learnt to put the indicator on in such a way that the light switches are not affected. I have at least learnt to get the headlights on and i returned home without any issues.

Giving way to emergency vehicles

Even though the TX Driving License guide contains all the information on giving way to emergency vehicles, its a totally different experience when it happens in real. I went to drop a friend off at his apartment and on the way back i see cop cars and am at the stop sign waiting for the emergency vehicle (fire engine) to go so that i turn, i never realised that the emergency vehicle wanted to turn in and that it takes a wide turn and therefore couldnt turn with me being there.

The driver honked at me twice before it struck me and i turned right. When i came home and talked to Nishanth he said i should have backed up into the aparmtment complex and parked or else taken a right immediately. A search on the internet shows that people have been ticketed for the same. Again, another first and a lesson for me to learn while driving.

Driving through a school zone

I started driving recently and have not had much experience. Today for the first time, i drove through a school zone during school times. I am really glad that there was a car in front of me that slowed down making me slow down otherwise i would have gone through the school zone at 40 and there are cop cars through out the school zones and i would definitely have got a ticket.

Therefore, if you are out between 7 and 10 make sure you pay attention to the school zone signs. Theres also an afternoon timing but i dont remember what it is. I am learning things as i am driving...

Road Test

4 months after i got the learner's license, i decided that it was time i took my road test. With my husband travelling often, it was important that i take the road test. Although, i practiced with the driving instructor at the Plano DPS site, i took the road test at the Carolton DPS site.

For those who need to take a test at the DPS office, one needs to go early in the morning say 6:00 AM to stand in the queue for the road test. In that case, you would take your road test by 9:00 AM or 10:00 AM depending on the number of test takers ahead of you.

I wasnt asked for identification documents by the Carolton office probably because my drivers license had the temporary visitor stamp. In any case, one should take the identification documents as required by TX DPS. In addition, F1 visa need to take I-20, school schedule, bursar receipt, social security card, insurance receipt, passport and I-94.

We used our own car so i had the insurance on my name. I suppose if you use a friends car, one needs to fill out a form and the person whose car you take needs to be with you. I am not so sure about that part.

On the first day when i took the test
1) I was asked to switch off my engine and told to brake, put on the right and left indicator and honk. The DPS officer also asked for my insurance copy and took a look at the registration and emmission on the windshield.
2) I was asked to start the car and unfortunately for me there was a problem with the car and she decided i dont know how to start the car and deducted points for that.
3) I was asked to parallel park between two single poles. Our car is a 2009 Honda Fit. I pull my car parallel to the poles and go ahead until my back door is aligned with the front pole. Thereafter, i put the right signal on, put the car on reverse and turned the wheel all the way to the right. I have a blind spot mirror which enables me to gauge the distance from the curb - i can actually see the curb. I backed up and thereafter turned the wheel to the left until i straightened out and was parallel to the curb. Thereafter, i turned the wheel to the right twice to straighten out the wheel.
The distance from the curb should be between 6 to 12 inches. At the carolton office, they are a little lenient with the parallel parking part unless you hit the curb or the pole in which case you fail.
4) After parallel parking i was asked to pull out. I put on the right signal, put the car on reverse to back up a little, looked over my shoulder to ensure no cars were coming. I put the car on drive and thereafter drive out.
5) Afterwards i was asked to go on to the main road, take a left and taken through a residential area with many stop signs where you turn right and turn left. There was a point where the road was being dug up and it was a little nerve wrecking to go through it. One should not drive at a speed higher than 30 in the residential area.
6) After the residential area the instructor takes you to the main road, the service road and the first time i attempted to turn when a vehicle was in sight. She stopped me saying i could have caused and accident and didnt get through the test. The second time i took the test i spent a few seconds to make sure there were no cars and i got through the test.
7)Once you are on the main road, you are asked to do a lane change to the right and a lane change to the left. One must make sure that they use their mirrors, look in the rear mirror, right mirror and over the right shoulder after showing the right signal and thereafter change the lanes. Similarly, for the left lane change, check the left mirror the rear view mirror and over the left shoulder after showing the left signal before making the lane change. The lane changes should be smooth.
8) Thereafter, one is taken to the DPS office and asked to reverse for less than a minute. The key here is to ensure that you constantly look back while reversing. Even if one goes slowly its fine.

I had two attempts at the road test, in the first attempt my parallel parking came out proper but in the second attempt i was a little further away from the curb. I guess i was more scared of hitting the curb.
I was taught by my driving instructor to always stop at the stop sign and then go ahead and stop again if one does not have a 180 degree view of the road. However, the DPS officer said i should stop at the stop line and not at the stop sign. So well, if there is a stop line i should stop at the stop line. If there isnt i suppose stopping at the stop sign makes sense.
I lost points on the first test since the engine would not start. However, the second time everything went perfectly fine. Also, my lane changes could have been smoother.

Passing the road test was not so difficult at the Carolton office. The instructors expect you to be observant, use your mirrors, follow instructions.

If you pass the road test, you go to the DPS office where they take your vision test and a photograph, give you a temporary permit and tell you your license will arrive in the post.

Driving License Delayed

After giving my road test, i never received my license in the mail. I had to go in person to the TX DPS office. Although, i gave the road test at the Caroltton centre, i could go to any TX DPS office to get a provisional license and i was told that they would send the license from Austin.

Hopefully, i get the license soon. Ideally one should receive the license within 3 weeks.